Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Did You Start Playing Guitar? Why Do You Love It?

Someone recently asked me how I got into playing guitar and why I love it. Well, here's my story, and I'd certainly like to hear yours.

Why did I decide to start playing guitar?

Back then (ancient history of course), guitar was a very popular instrument in Ireland, and every guy in school had a guitar and was learning to play. So I guess you could say it was the "in" thing to do. But of course, I always like the sound of the guitar and so started taking lessons when I was 9-year-old and have been playing ever since.

Why do I love it?

All my family played instruments, piano, violin and guitar. There was always music in the home, either the radio was playing or my Mother was singing and playing the piano.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Key of G Major

Here I've provided one of my worksheets that I give to students to practice and master chords. Enjoy learning the key of G Major. Click on the image to open it in a new window.