Monday, November 15, 2010

Visit Guitar Heaven!

Right in DC, take the Metro to Dupont Circle, walk two blocks down Connecticut Avenue, and you'll find yourself in what should be termed "Guitar Heaven" ... call it a museum, call it a shop, call it whatever you want, just visit the space! I suggest it as a great afternoon field trip for homeschoolers or a cold weekend family adventure.
Just this month, it was highlighted in the Sunday Washington Post Magazine's "Closer Inspection."
Check out that harp guitar! Play the guitar strings with the right hand as usual, and then play the 10 harp strings with your left! Tricky pick action! What do you suppose the "Tab" tablature would look like for these players?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chord Sequences: Key of A Chart

I want you to succeed when it comes to learning chords. Here's a fantastic chart I've put together for you to practice the Key of A.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Buy A Guitar

There are thousands of designs out there, which one will help you learn best?
Whether you're buying new or used, online or from a store, make sure you know these two factors before you buy.

Test the Sound
I highly recommend at least going into a store that sells guitars and asking a store clerk to test the sound of a few different types of wood. That way, even if you end up buying online, you know from what type of wood you want your guitar made.

Test the Size
Take the guitar and place the bottom of the guitar on the ground. Make sure the guitar comes up to or a little above your waist. Then make sure your hand is able to wrap around the neck of the guitar and your thumb and third finger are able to touch. Watch my video to see how it's done.

Buying New:
Whether online or from a store, the most important two factors to consider are: size and sound. You normally won't need to worry about wear-and-tear or poor manufacturing when buying new from a store.

Obviously, if you're buying online, you can't test the sound of the guitar you may want to buy, nor can you test the height of the guitar from floor to waist.

Buying Used:
Ebay? Craigslist? Yard Sale? There are plenty of well-loved guitars out there that are well worth the deal. If you're just starting out, if you're not quite sure how quickly you'll progress, or if you're not sure how long you might be playing guitar, a less expensive option is a smart route to take.

I always recommend, whether you want electric, bass, acoustic, or classical, go into a real guitar store, and have a clerk give you a quick sample of the sound. You want to make sure that what you're buying is what you expect.

Imperfections to Look Out For:
  1. Check the neck: look along the neck to ensure there is no bowing. If it's straight, holding the guitar up to your neck and looking down from the base to the head, you will see the top. If it's bowed up or down or somewhere in the middle, you should be able to catch that from this angle.
  2. Inspect the bridge: the bridge is where all the strings are bolted down at the bottom. No part of the bridge should be buckled or bowed. If it is, pass it up and don't look back.
  3. Hold the frets: hold down all strings along the second and the twelfth frets. Make sure each fret in between is touched by all strings.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Did You Start Playing Guitar? Why Do You Love It?

Someone recently asked me how I got into playing guitar and why I love it. Well, here's my story, and I'd certainly like to hear yours.

Why did I decide to start playing guitar?

Back then (ancient history of course), guitar was a very popular instrument in Ireland, and every guy in school had a guitar and was learning to play. So I guess you could say it was the "in" thing to do. But of course, I always like the sound of the guitar and so started taking lessons when I was 9-year-old and have been playing ever since.

Why do I love it?

All my family played instruments, piano, violin and guitar. There was always music in the home, either the radio was playing or my Mother was singing and playing the piano.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Key of G Major

Here I've provided one of my worksheets that I give to students to practice and master chords. Enjoy learning the key of G Major. Click on the image to open it in a new window.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Quiz Yourself

Test your knowledge. In what key is this music written?

Click the image to open up a new window. Zoom in to print.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Understanding Notes

Check out this music values chart!

On the road to reading music, it's important to know what each note and rest is called. This easy chart lays it all out for you. Enjoy.

Click the image to open in a new window and zoom in to print it out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Detailed Guitar Chart

Check it out! Click on the image to view it in more detail. One of my fantastic students created this chart for me.